
The Alliance typography is made up of the following fonts. Encode Sans and Open Sans are open-source fonts. For information on downloading, use our instruction sheet.

Display font

For headlines and subheads.

Encode Sans Normal Light
Encode Sans Normal Regular
Encode Sans Normal Semibold
Encode Sans Normal Bold
Encode Sans Normal Extrabold
Encode Sans Normal Black

Text font

For body copy / paragraph styles.

Open Sans Regular
Open Sans Italic
Open Sans Bold
Open Sans Bold Italic
Open Sans Light
Open Sans Light Italic

Microsoft Office fonts

When working within Microsoft Office programs, including Word and PowerPoint, we recommend using the below system fonts in place of primary fonts. When you include a font that is not a standard system font, the recipient of that document will only see that font if they also have it downloaded.

Arial Bold
Arial Regular
Calibri Bold
Calibri Regular
Calibri Light

Substitute font

For use when brand fonts are not available.

Verdana Regular
Verdana Italic
Verdana Bold
Verdana Bold Italic