From the Interim Executive Director

This year has been one of exceptional growth and evolution for The Alliance. We have implemented organization-wide changes around structure and addressed updates to statewide practice needs, all the while ensuring our core values are part of the work we do every day.

The biggest initiative set forth this year has been implementation of the reorganization. This created new leadership roles at different levels, and opened up opportunities for multiple staff members. These weren’t always supervisory roles, but included positions that offered the chance to lead programs, such as curriculum development. Additionally, roles were created that supported the organization’s infrastructure. All these changes were focused on increasing our efficiency and give us an increasingly strong foundation for service delivery.

We also advanced the goals of our FY23-25 Strategic Plan. We prioritized discussions around inclusivity, both internally and externally. An internal Accessibility Workgroup tracks where we are and what room we have to improve, and we also have examined and made changes to our hiring process. We have established a Values Committee that ensures we are staying true to the commitments we have made to each other and the community.

These actions all tie into our mission, that through our product we empower thoughtful service provision. We are moving the needle ever forward by building a framework that supports organizational excellence and spending time visioning about what “best practice” truly means.

We look forward to the new year as we continue to dive into these projects. Thank you as always for your partnership.

Patricia Erdman

Interim Executive Director