Adreanna Riley
Adreanna Riley
Development and Facilitation Specialist
- 831.475.1013
Adreanna Riley has 13 years of experience in the field of child welfare workforce development and, previous to that, 14 years of experience in bilingual (English/Spanish) social work, primarily with farmworking and immigrant families.
In Santa Cruz County Family Reunification/Family Maintenance, with the Family Preservation Court program, she worked with families for whom drug use, mental health and and/or intimate partner violence were substantial complicating factors, and previously, she provided preventive services with Welfare to Work participants.
At San Andreas Regional Center, she provided developmental assessments and case management for developmentally disabled children and adults, including family supports, and mentored new social workers in the field.
Adreanna served as a Workforce Development Specialist with the Bay Area Academy for nearly 12 years, consulting with counties on effective systemic implementation of social work practices, creating curricula and developing creative learning activities across the spectrum from coaching, to classroom training to eLearnings, and facilitating equity projects at the personal, interpersonal and institutional levels. She was also the regional lead on Safety Organized Practice, Structured Decision Making and the Cultural Responsiveness Practice Behaviors Tool.
As the Program Development Manager, she supervised the resident trainer/coach, curriculum specialist, and five workforce development specialists, fostering strategic planning, developing workplans, and building an implementation approach to services.
Adreanna is a white, married, lesbian, mother of two children; and an avid dancer, hiker, gardener and ocean-swimmer. She is excited to return to Seattle, her hometown, to be closer to extended family, and continue learning and contributing to the development of an equitable child welfare system.