Caregiver Continuing Education (CCE)
- Licensed Caregivers must take 24 hours of caregiver continuing education (CCE) hours over each three-year licensing period.
- While licensed, if you complete more than the 24 required hours of training, up to 12 hours of CCE training can be carried from one licensing period to the next licensing period.
- WAC 110-148-1380 What training must I complete after I am licensed?
- For your CCE training, you must attend at least one training from each of the four core competencies during your first and second licensing periods.
How to use this page
In the section below, all current CCE eligible Alliance courses are listed and sorted into their appropriate competency categories.
- Some of the trainings listed encompass multiple categories and may appear in multiple columns.
- Trainings available via self-paced eLearning are labeled as such and italicized.
- Courses that are available in Spanish are marked with an asterisk*
Interpretation services may be requested for any course, in the Learner’s primary language.
Click here to download our optional Three-Year Training Plan. Be sure to check in with your licensor with any questions.
CCE Eligible Courses
For your CCE training, you must attend at least one training from each of the four core competencies during your first and second licensing periods:
Trainings available via self-paced eLearning are labeled as such and italicized. Courses that are available in Spanish are marked with an asterisk*
*Adoption Support for Caregivers (eLearning) (0.75 hrs)
Building Parental Resilience for Kinship Caregivers (1.5 hrs)
Caregiver’s Understanding & Supporting Family Time (3 hrs)
*Caring for Children with Physically Aggressive Behavior Concerns (eLearning) (4hrs)
*Caring for Children with Sexual Behavior Concerns (eLearning) (4hrs)
Family Time: Relationships & Reassurance (eLearning) (1 hr)
Foster Care: A Means to Support Families (2 hrs)
Identifying & Supporting Commercially Sexually Exploited Children for Caregivers (eLearning) (1.5 hrs)
Introduction to the Investigative Process for Caregivers (3 hrs)
*Mandatory Reporter Roles & Responsibilities – CY24 Certification (eLearning) (0.75 hrs)
*Medication Management & Administration for Caregivers (eLearning) (0.5 hrs)
Multi-Ethnic Placement Act: What Caregivers Need to Know (eLearning) (0.5 hrs)
Naloxone Storage & Usage for Caregivers in Washington State (eLearning) (1 hr)
Paper Trail – Documentation Training for Caregivers (1.5 hrs)
Parenting a Native American Child: Partnering in the Interest of Culture (eLearning) (3 hrs)
Pregnant & Parenting Youth for Caregivers (eLearning) (1.5 hrs)
Preparing Youth for Transitioning to Adulthood (eLearning) (0.5 hrs)
Prudent Parenting (eLearning) (0.75 hrs)
*Relative Search for Caregivers (eLearning) (0.5 hrs)
*So You Have a New Placement, Now What? (eLearning) (2.5 hrs)
Youth Missing From Care for Caregivers (eLearning) (1 hr)
Caregiver Coaching Session for Emerging Caregiver Needs (0.5 – 3 hrs)
Caregiver Coaching Session for the Indian Child Welfare Act (ICWA) (0.5 – 3 hrs)
Caregiver Coaching Session on Caregivers Report to the Court (0.5 – 3 hrs)
Caregiver Coaching Session on Family Time (0.5 – 3 hrs)
Caregiver Coaching Session on Kinship 101: Information for Relatives & Suitable Others (0.5 – 3 hrs)
CaRES Topic Support Group: Boundaries as Self Care (2hrs)
CaRES Topic Support Group: Fostering as Part of a Team (8 hrs)
CaRES Topic Support Group: Living in Limbo, Awaiting Permanency in Foster Care (2 hrs)
CaRES Topic Support Group: Navigating Fostering as a LGBTQIA+ Caregiver (2 hrs)
*CaRES Topic Support Group: Navegando el Cuidado de Crianza Como un Cuidador de Habla Hispana (2 hrs)
CaRES Topic Support Group: Wellness Resource Wednesday (1.5 hrs)
Trainings available via self-paced eLearning are labeled as such and italicized. Courses that are available in Spanish are marked with an asterisk*
Advanced Adoption: Effects of Trauma & Loss on Adopted Children (2.5 hrs)
Advanced Adoption: Effects of Trauma & Loss on Adopted Children (eLearning) (2.5 hrs)
African American Hair & Skin Care (4 hrs)
Attention Deficit & Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) (6 hrs)
The Autism Basics: Behaviors & Coping Strategies (3 hrs)
Behavior Management Tools for Foster Parents & Caregivers (6 hrs)
Building Life Skills for Drug Impacted Children (3 hrs)
Building Parental Resilience for Kinship Caregivers (1.5 hrs)
*Caring for Children with Physically Aggressive Behavior Concerns (eLearning) (4 hrs)
*Caring for Children with Sexual Behavior Concerns (eLearning) (4 hrs)
*Car Seat Safety: Select, Fit & Install Correctly (eLearning for caregivers) (0.5 hrs)
Chaos to Calm: Promoting Attachment in Out-of-Home Care (6 hrs)
Impact of Trauma on Child Development (2 hrs)
Compassionate Parenting (6 hrs)
Connecting: Sexual Orientation & Gender Identity & Expression Training for Caregivers & Kinship Providers (eLearning) (2 hrs)
Eating Disorders & Beyond (6 hrs)
Effects of Abuse & Neglect on Child Development (eLearning) (3 hrs)
Foster Care: A Means to Support Families (2 hrs)
Healthy Sexual Development (3 hrs)
Honoring Their History: Memory Preservation for Children in Care (2 hrs)
Introduction to Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD)(2 hrs)
Impacts of Prenatal Substance Exposure (3 hrs)
Infant Safety & Care for Caregivers (eLearning) (2.5 hrs)
The Inherent Strengths In Kinship Families (multi-part) (2 – 12 hrs)
Invitation to Aggression Replacement Training (6 hrs)
Kinship 101 – Information for Relatives & Suitable Others (1.5 hrs)
Maintaining Children’s Connections (1.5 hrs)
Mental Health Considerations for Children (2 hrs)
Naloxone Storage & Usage for Caregivers in Washington State (eLearning) (1 hr)
Parenting a Native American Child: Partnering in the Interest of Culture (eLearning) (3 hrs)
Parenting in Racially & Culturally Diverse Families (2 hrs)
Parenting the Positive Discipline Way (multi-part) (2 -14 hrs)
Parenting Teens (multi-part) (3 – 21 hrs)
Pregnant & Parenting Youth for Caregivers (eLearning) (1.5 hrs)
Preparing Youth for Transitioning to Adulthood (eLearning) (0.5 hrs)
*So You Have a New Placement, Now What? (eLearning) (2.5 hrs)
Suicide Prevention LEARN® Training by Forefront for Caregivers (3 hrs)
Talking With Children About Race (6 hrs)
TBRI: Trust Based Relational Intervention – Introduction & Overview to TBRI (6 hrs)
TBRI: Trust Based Relational Intervention – Connecting Principles (Module 1) (6 hrs)
TBRI: Trust Based Relational Intervention – Empowering Principles (Module 2) (6 hrs)
TBRI: Trust Based Relational Intervention – Correcting Principles (Module 3) (6 hrs)
Trauma Informed Parenting (3 hrs)
Understanding Autism: Reflections & Insights From Parents & Professionals (eLearning) (1 hr)
Understanding Post Traumatic Stress Disorder in Children (6 hrs)
Why Children Lie – Development, Trauma & Supporting the Truth (3 hrs)
Youth Missing From Care for Caregivers (eLearning) (1 hr)
Caregiver Coaching Session for Emerging Caregiver Needs (0.5 – 3 hrs)
Caregiver Coaching Session for the Indian Child Welfare Act (ICWA) (0.5 – 3 hrs)
Caregiver Coaching Session on Family Time (0.5 – 3 hrs)
Caregiver Coaching Session on Kinship 101: Information for Relatives & Suitable Others (0.5 – 3 hrs)
Caregiver Coaching Session on Positive Discipline (0.5 – 3 hrs)
*I-LABS Module 2 – Why the First 2,000 Days Matter: A Look Inside the Brain (eLearning) (0.33 hrs)
*I-LABS Module 3 – The Importance of Early Interactions (eLearning) (0.33 hrs)
*I-LABS Module 4 – The Power of Learning Through Imitation (eLearning) (0.33 hrs)
*I-LABS Module 5 – Understanding Emotions (eLearning) (0.33 hrs)
*I-LABS Module 6 – Language Development: Learning the Sounds of Language (eLearning) (0.42 hrs)
*I-LABS Module 7 – Development of Attachment (eLearning) (0.42 hrs)
*I-LABS Module 8 – Attachment in Practice (eLearning) (0.33 hrs)
*I-LABS Module 9 – Sharing Attention During Early Childhood (eLearning) (0.33 hrs)
*I-LABS Module 10 – Language Development: From Listening to Speaking (eLearning) (0.42 hrs)
*I-LABS Module 11 – Bilingual Language Development (eLearning) (0.33 hrs)
*I-LABS Module 12 – Temperament in Early Childhood (eLearning) (0.33 hrs)
*I-LABS Module 13 – Race Today: What Kids Know as They Grow (eLearning) (0.42 hrs)
*I-LABS Module 14 – “Racing” Towards Equality: Why Talking to Your Kids About Race is Good for Everyone (eLearning) (0.42 hrs)
*I-LABS Module 15 – Early Music Experience (eLearning) (0.42 hrs)
*I-LABS Module 16 – Foundations of Literacy (eLearning) (0.33 hrs)
*I-LABS Module 17 – Development of Literacy (eLearning) (0.42 hrs)
*I-LABS Module 19 – Early STEM Learning (eLearning) (0.42 hrs)
CaRES Topic Support Group: Big Baffling Behaviors Book Club, Introduction (4 hrs)
CaRES Topic Support Group: Big Baffling Behaviors Book Club, Continuing (8 hrs)
CaRES Topic Support Group: Boundaries as Self Care (2 hrs)
CaRES Topic Support Group: Caregiver Strategies for Holidays & Celebrations (2 hrs)
CaRES Topic Support Group: FASD Trying Differently Rather Than Harder Book Club (8 hrs)
CaRES Topic Support Group: Littlest Lives & Their Big Needs – Parenting 0 to 2 (6 hrs)
CaRES Topic Support Group: Living in Limbo, Awaiting Permanency in Foster Care (2 hrs)
CaRES Topic Support Group: Parenting in the Digital Age (2 hrs)
CaRES Topic Support Group: Practical Parenting Skills for Caregivers (4 hrs)
CaRES Topic Support Group: Parenting Teens (2 hrs)
CaRES Topic Support Group: Supporting LGBTQIA+ Youth in Foster Care (4 hrs)
CaRES Topic Support Group: TBRI Connected Parent Book Club (8 hrs)
CaRES Topic Support Group: TBRI Connected Therapist Book Club, Relating Through the Senses (6 hrs)
CaRES Topic Support Group: Using Storytime for Connection & Support (2 hrs)
CaRES Topic Support Group: Wellness Resource Wednesday (1.5 hrs)
Trainings available via self-paced eLearning are labeled as such and italicized. Courses that are available in Spanish are marked with an asterisk*
Advanced Adoption: Effects of Trauma & Loss on Adopted Children (2.5 hrs)
Advanced Adoption: Effects of Trauma & Loss on Adopted Children (eLearning) (2.5 hrs)
The Autism Basics: Behaviors & Coping Strategies (3 hrs)
Behavior Management Tools for Foster Parents & Caregivers (6 hrs)
Building Life Skills for Drug Impacted Children (3 hrs)
Building Parental Resilience for Kinship Caregivers (1.5 hrs)
Caregiver’s Understanding & Supporting Family Time (3 hrs)
Chaos to Calm: Promoting Attachment in Out-of-Home Care (6 hrs)
Compassionate Parenting (6 hrs)
Healthy Sexual Development (3 hrs)
Honoring Their History: Memory Preservation for Children in Care (2 hrs)
Introduction to Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD)(2 hrs)
Impacts of Prenatal Substance Exposure (3 hrs)
Infant Safety & Care for Caregivers (eLearning) (2.5 hrs)
The Inherent Strengths In Kinship Families (multi-part) (2 – 12 hrs)
Introduction to the Investigative Process for Caregivers (3 hrs)
Invitation to Aggression Replacement Training (6 hrs)
Kinship 101 – Information for Relatives & Suitable Others (1.5 hrs)
Maintaining Children’s Connections (1.5 hrs)
Paper Trail – Documentation Training for Caregivers (1.5 hrs)
Parenting the Positive Discipline Way (multi-part) (2 – 14 hrs)
Parenting Teens (multi-part) (3 – 21 hrs)
TBRI: Trust Based Relational Intervention – Introduction & Overview to TBRI (6 hrs)
TBRI: Trust Based Relational Intervention – Connecting Principles (Module 1) (6 hrs)
TBRI: Trust Based Relational Intervention – Empowering Principles (Module 2) (6 hrs)
TBRI: Trust Based Relational Intervention – Correcting Principles (Module 3) (6 hrs)
Trauma Informed Parenting (3 hrs)
Understanding Autism: Reflections & Insights From Parents & Professionals (eLearning) (1 hr)
Understanding Post Traumatic Stress Disorder in Children (6 hrs)
Why Children Lie – Development, Trauma & Supporting the Truth (3 hrs)
Caregiver Coaching Session for Emerging Caregiver Needs (0.5 – 3 hrs)
Caregiver Coaching Session on Family Time (0.5 – 3 hrs)
Caregiver Coaching Session on Kinship 101: Information for Relatives & Suitable Others (0.5 – 3 hrs)
Caregiver Coaching Session on Positive Discipline (0.5 – 3 hrs)
CaRES Topic Support Group: Big Baffling Behaviors Book Club, Introduction (4 hrs)
CaRES Topic Support Group: Big Baffling Behaviors Book Club, Continuing (8 hrs)
CaRES Topic Support Group: Boundaries as Self Care (2 hrs)
CaRES Topic Support Group: Grief & Loss in Your Foster Journey (4 hrs)
CaRES Topic Support Group: Living in Limbo, Awaiting Permanency in Foster Care (2 hrs)
CaRES Topic Support Group: Navigating Fostering as a LGBTQIA+ Caregiver (2 hrs)
CaRES Topic Support Group: Self Care for Caregivers (2 hrs)
CaRES Topic Support Group: Wellness Resource Wednesday (1.5 hrs)
Trainings available via self-paced eLearning are labeled as such and italicized. Courses that are available in Spanish are marked with an asterisk*
African American Hair & Skin Care (4 hrs)
The Autism Basics: Behaviors & Coping Strategies (3 hrs)
Connecting: Sexual Orientation & Gender Identity & Expression Training for Caregivers & Kinship Providers (eLearning) (2 hrs)
Healthy Sexual Development (3 hrs)
The Inherent Strengths In Kinship Families (multi-part) (2 – 12 hrs)
Multi-Ethnic Placement Act: What Caregivers Need to Know (eLearning) (0.5 hrs)
Parenting a Native American Child: Partnering in the Interest of Culture (eLearning) (3 hrs)
Parenting in Racially & Culturally Diverse Families (2 hrs)
Parenting Teens (Part 4 of 7) (3 hrs)
Talking With Children About Race (6 hrs)
Caregiver Coaching Session for Emerging Caregiver Needs (0.5 – 3 hrs)
Caregiver Coaching Session for the Indian Child Welfare Act (ICWA) (0.5 – 3 hrs)
*I-LABS Module 10 – Language Development: From Listening to Speaking (eLearning) (0.42 hrs)
*I-LABS Module 11 – Bilingual Language Development (eLearning) (0.33 hrs)
*I-LABS Module 13 – Race Today: What Kids Know as They Grow (eLearning) (0.42 hrs)
*I-LABS Module 14 – “Racing” Towards Equality: Why Talking to Your Kids About Race is Good for Everyone (eLearning) (0.42 hrs)
CaRES Topic Support Group: Caregiver Strategies for Holidays & Celebrations (2 hrs)
CaRES Topic Support Group: Fostering Across Race, Ethnicity, & Culture (2 hrs)
CaRES Topic Support Group: Supporting LGBTQIA+ Youth in Foster Care (4 hrs)
CaRES Topic Support Group: TBRI Connected Child Book Club (8 hrs)
CaRES Topic Support Group: TBRI Connected Parent Book Club (8 hrs)
Caregiver Coaching Sessions
Caregiver Coaching is a one-on-one session between you and a facilitator – designed to take your learning beyond the classroom setting, and to build specific skills relevant to your individual situation, at the time you need support.
Caregiver Coaching for Emerging Caregiver Needs
The topics covered may include:
- Understanding the child welfare system, regulations, expectations, and how to navigate available resources
- Navigating crisis
- Understanding and supporting child development
- Effective communication (with birth parents, extended family, social workers, and the child in your home)
- Self-care, secondary trauma, and healing
Caregiver Coaching for the Indian Child Welfare Act (ICWA)
The topics for this session may include:
- Understanding ICWA, regulations, and expectations DCYF staff must follow
- What is most important for caregivers to know (jurisdiction, Tribes’ voice in cases, connection for the child, etc.)
- Placement preference
- Active Efforts
- QEW (Qualified Expert Witness)
- LICWAC (Local Indian Child Welfare Advisory Committee)
- Permanency
Caregiver Coaching on Caregivers Report to the Court
You will understand the caregiver’s role in the court process and how to effectively communicate with the court and other parties through the Caregiver’s Report to the Court document. You will have the opportunity to compose an actual report about the child in your care with assistance from the Facilitator.
Caregiver Coaching on Family Time
You will explore your role in Family Time, including how you can support the child, and will more deeply understand the pivotal role that Family Time plays in supporting children’s relationships with birth families. You will gain skills to successfully team with others involved in the child’s Family Time, and will explore how to be a resource to birth families. Included in this session are activities that allow you to assess the effects of Family Time on the child(ren) in your care and create a plan to address any concerns which may arise in the future.
Caregiver Coaching on Kinship 101: Information for Relatives and Suitable Others
The topics for this session may include:
- Financial Needs
- Legal Challenges
- Navigating public service systems
- Needing more social services
- Information about resources/caregiving
- Positive Discipline
Caregiver Coaching on Positive Discipline
The topics covered may include a Positive Discipline response to any behavior identified in the Positive Discipline A-Z index. The intention of this coaching session is to help the participant apply the Positive Discipline lens and framework to issues that are currently coming up in their home. Participants must have attended at least one session of Positive Discipline training in order to utilize the coaching option.
…Caregivers who accept a placement of a Sexually Aggressive Youth (SAY) or Physically Assaultive/Aggressive Youth (PAAY) must complete:
- Caregiving for Children with Physically Aggressive Behavior Concerns (eLearning) and
- Caregiving for Children with Sexual Behavior Concerns (eLearning)
- Both courses are 4 hours in length, and available English and *Spanish languages.
*Crianza de Niños con Problemas de Comportamiento Físicamente Agresivo (eLearning)
*Crianza de Niños con Problemas de Comportamiento Sexual (eLearning)