Supervisors Conference 2024 Agenda
We are excited to host this year’s event to support you in your roles as leaders. This two-day, in-person conference at the Centennial by Davenport in Spokane.
Wednesday, Sept. 4
8-9 a.m.: Breakfast
Riverside Ballroom
9-9:30 a.m.: Introductions and Welcomes
Riverside Ballroom
9:30-10:30 a.m.: Mirror, Mirror on the Wall
If a supervisor could have only one tool to be successful in their work with their staff, what would it be? Peter will talk about some of his own experiences over the past three decades working in child welfare throughout the country as well as at home— and will review five essential strategies for supervisors captured in a “mirror”— for considering past work as well as anticipating the future; for providing hope during those times of despair; and for maintaining personal integrity!
Presented by Peter Dahlin
Riverside Ballroom
10:30-11 a.m. Break
11 a.m.-12:30 p.m. Breakout Sessions:
Government-to-Government Relations: Learn about 10.03 policy and get a better perspective of tribal sovereignty and tribal relations. This session will cover foundational components of tribal sovereignty, government-to-government relationships, and effective engagement with American Indian and Alaska Native Tribes. You will have the opportunity to ask questions and learn how to further relationships with Washington State’s 29 federally recognized tribes.
Facilitated by Office of Tribal Relations
Riverside Ballroom D
Who We Are and How We Work: Join Secretary Ross Hunter and Chief of Staff Jenny Heddin in a facilitated Q&A session and discussion of the agency Operating Principles and how they can be embraced throughout the agency.
Facilitated by Secretary Ross Hunter and Chief of Staff Jenny Heddin
Pavilion Room
Empowering Efficiency: M365 and Emerging Tech Trends at DCYF
In this session, we’ll cover practical strategies for utilizing Microsoft Teams, OneNote, OneDrive and more to improve collaboration and help us get a handle on our busy schedules. We will explore features in M365 with a focus on leveraging these tools to enhance productivity while making meetings matter.
Facilitated by Sara Games, DCYF IT Technical Training Manager
Grant Room
12:30-1:30 p.m. Lunch
Riverside Ballroom
1:30-2:30 p.m. Silo Demo!
We can all get focused on what’s happening in our own offices or teams, making it hard to know what’s happening with your colleagues across DCYF. So let’s talk about it! Join us for a “speed dating”-style session where you’ll get a chance to talk with other attendees about their work. Leave with some new collaboration partners … or even friends!
Facilitated by Alliance Development and Facilitation Specialists
Riverside Ballroom D, Pavilion Room and Grant Room
2:30-3 p.m. Break
3-4 p.m. Workers Supporting LGBTQIA+ Youth
Learn more about LGBTQIA+ issues affecting youth in foster care and how to provide a safe and affirming space for them. You’ll hear include statistics as to the scope of outcomes and case scenarios dealing with policy and best practice. Will finish the presentation with time for questions and answers.
Presented by Ann Christensen
Riverside Ballroom
Thursday, Sept. 5
8-9 a.m.: Breakfast
Riverside Ballroom
9 a.m.: Introductions and Welcomes
Riverside Ballroom
9:15-10:15 a.m.: Redefining Normal
Join Justin Black to hear this story about growing up in foster care in Detroit and Flint, Mich., eventually overcoming his difficult upbringing and achieving remarkable success (and happiness) in his personal and professional life.
Presented by Justin Black, author and advocate
Riverside Ballroom
10:15-10:45 a.m. Break
10:45 a.m.-12:15 p.m. Breakout Sessions:
Family Practice Model: Where Organization, Practice and Functionality Meet
Join us as we explore the creation and implementation of Family Practice Model to Child Welfare. This has been a 3.5 year process to organize our division, improve practice and equip our workforce to serve families through our values. We are so excited to walk you through our process and outcome!
Facilitated by the FPM team
Grant Room
A Call to Order: Improving the Courts: Collaborating for a positive dependency court culture stands to impact all court parties, outcomes for children and families served in court, and retention of our front-line court workers. Session participants will analyze current work in Region 5 to design a collaborative convening with their local AGO to agree upon the current state of their court culture and map out a future state. The iterative and ongoing nature of this work will be examined along the way. Participants will also consider this work in the context of their own regions and offices.
Facilitated by Administrative Services Division, Legal Office
Riverside Ballroom D
Appreciative Inquiry: Finding the Positive Core of DCYF: Come and learn about the agency-wide effort that has been taking place over the last 9 months to discover the strengths and successes of DCYF and understand how this process can effect positive culture shifts within our agency and build a strong organization that serves our children, youth and family while also being an employer of choice.
Facilitated by TBD
Pavilion Room
12:15-1:15 p.m. Lunch
Riverside Ballroom
1:15-2:45 p.m. Breakout Sessions:
Sound Bath Healing Session: Ground yourself during this session focused on wellness.
Facilitated by Rachel Hay
Pavilion Room
Who Are We? Exploring Culture, Bias, and Clinical Supervision
In this session, we will delve into the critical topics of identity, culture, and bias within the context of clinical supervision. Our discussion will focus on understanding who we are as professionals, and how our cultural backgrounds and biases influence our interactions and supervisory practices. We will explore strategies for fostering culturally responsive supervision, addressing implicit biases, and creating an inclusive environment that supports both supervisors and supervisees. Join us for an engaging conversation aimed at enhancing our awareness and skills in navigating these complex but essential aspects of clinical practice.
Facilitated by Renee Siers and Alishia Agee-Cooper
Grant Room
CCWIS: Business-led, Technology-enabled Project: Join us to learn more about the Comprehensive Child Welfare Information System (CCWIS). The project team will provide an update, learn from your shared experiences, and discuss how best to inform and involve you in this transformative journey. We look forward to your participation and valuable contributions!
Facilitated by CCWIS Team
Riverside Ballroom D
2:45-3:15 p.m. Break
3:15-4:15 p.m. Strengths-Based Approach to Employee Wellness
Supervisors play an essential role in promoting wellness and resilience among DCYF employees and the organization at large. Join us to learn how to facilitate employee productivity, job satisfaction, safety and retention, and foster a supportive workplace culture.
Facilitated by the Resilience Support Team
Riverside Ballroom