Caregiver Skill Development

All licensed family foster homes (including private agency, DCYF and licensed relative homes) are required to complete ongoing training during each three-year licensing period. Depending on what you are interested in learning about, or what works best for your schedule, the Alliance offers a wide variety of options.

Specialized topics

If you are managing a challenging situation or circumstances you are new to, we have courses to support you. Read more about all our options on our Caregiving Challenges page.

Indigenous family wellness

  • Parenting a Native American Child: Parenting in the Interest of Culture: This training provides caregivers an introduction to the Indian Child Welfare Act (ICWA), Tribal sovereignty and the impacts on foster parenting. The Indian Child Welfare Act obliges child welfare agencies and caregivers to take certain steps to protect and preserve the rights and cultural and familial connections of children covered by the act.  For non-Federally recognized tribes (and in other circumstances), Washington State enacted policy related to Local Indian Child Welfare Advisory Committees (LICWACs) to staff tribal cases and these impacts and supports are also discussed.  This training explores the legal, historical, and social biases that have impacted and continue to have a disproportionate impact on Native American children and families. 

Mandatory reporters

Professionals who interact often with children are obligated to report concerns about abuse or neglect. Learn more about the Alliance’s specific, in-depth eLearning that will guide you through the process of identifying and documenting those concerns. Learn more here.